
Frequently Asked Questions

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Welcome to the Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) section of EasySendSMS.com. Here, we aim to provide you with all the information you need to understand how bulk SMS works and how it can benefit your business. Whether you're new to bulk SMS or an experienced user, you'll find answers to common questions about features, pricing, and more. Our goal is to make it easy for you to get started with bulk SMS and take advantage of its many benefits.
Browse our FAQ section to learn more and find the answers you're looking for.

General FAQs

Easysendsms.com is a web-based platform that enables businesses and individuals to send SMS messages to a large number of recipients. The platform offers a range of features, including the ability to personalize messages, track delivery and response rates, and manage contacts.

Easysendsms.com works by allowing users to create an account, add their contact information, compose their SMS messages, and send them to their desired recipients. The platform also offers features such as message scheduling, message templates, and response tracking.

Yes, easysendsms.com is designed to be user-friendly and intuitive. The platform is easy to navigate, and users can quickly and easily create, send, and manage their SMS messages.

Easysendsms.com offers a range of pricing plans to meet the needs of businesses and individuals of all sizes. The platform is cost-effective compared to other forms of communication such as email, direct mail, or paid advertising, and offers a simple and efficient way to reach a large audience.

Easysendsms.com takes security seriously and implements a range of measures to protect the privacy and security of its users' data. The platform uses secure servers and encrypted data transmission to ensure that your information is protected.

Easysendsms.com is suitable for businesses and organizations of all sizes, across a range of industries. From small businesses looking to reach a local audience, to large corporations looking to communicate with a global audience, easysendsms.com offers a simple and effective solution to meet your needs.


There is no expiration date for an SMS account on easysendsms.com, so you can use your account for life time.

Easysendsms.com may have measures in place to protect your personal information and group lists, including encryption of sensitive data, secure server storage, and regular backups to prevent data loss.
If you have specific questions or concerns about the safety and security of your personal information and group lists with easysendsms.com, you can contact the customer support team for further information and clarification.

We support a variety of file formats for uploading your numbers, including CSV (Comma Separated Values), TXT (Plain Text), and Excel.

Easysendsms.com offer a web-based interface that allows you to send and manage your SMS messages directly from the website, without the need for any additional software.
Alternatively, we also have an HTTP & SMPP API to send and manage your messages from your system.

The regulations and requirements for using an international SMS sender ID can vary greatly from country to country. In some countries, using a sender ID is subject to strict regulations and requirements, while in others, it is relatively unrestricted.

Here is a non-exhaustive list of countries and their regulations regarding international SMS sender IDs:

  • United States: In the United States, the use of SMS sender IDs is regulated by the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) and is subject to the Telephone Consumer Protection Act (TCPA). This requires that businesses obtain prior consent from consumers before sending SMS messages and that the sender ID accurately reflects the identity of the sender.
  • Canada: In Canada, the use of SMS sender IDs is regulated by the Canadian Radio-television and Telecommunications Commission (CRTC) and is subject to the Canadian Anti-Spam Legislation (CASL). This requires that businesses obtain prior consent from consumers before sending SMS messages and that the sender ID accurately reflects the identity of the sender.
  • European Union: In the European Union, the use of SMS sender IDs is regulated by the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) and the Privacy and Electronic Communications Regulation (PECR). This requires that businesses obtain prior consent from consumers before sending SMS messages and that the sender ID accurately reflects the identity of the sender.
  • Australia: In Australia, the use of SMS sender IDs is regulated by the Australian Communications and Media Authority (ACMA) and is subject to the Spam Act 2003. This requires that businesses obtain prior consent from consumers before sending SMS messages and that the sender ID accurately reflects the identity of the sender.
  • India: In India, the use of SMS sender IDs is regulated by the Telecom Regulatory Authority of India (TRAI) and is subject to the National Do Not Call Registry. This requires that businesses obtain prior consent from consumers before sending SMS messages and that the sender ID accurately reflects the identity of the sender.
  • South Africa: In South Africa, the use of SMS sender IDs is regulated by the Independent Communications Authority of South Africa (ICASA) and is subject to the Electronic Communications and Transactions Act (ECTA). This requires that businesses obtain prior consent from consumers before sending SMS messages and that the sender ID accurately reflects the identity of the sender.

It's important to note that regulations and requirements regarding international SMS sender IDs can change over time, so it's best to check with our customer support team to confirm the current requirements.

If you are experiencing issues with the delivery of your SMS messages, there are several steps you can take to escalate the issue to the support team at Easysendsms.com.

  1. Check the delivery status: First, check the delivery status of your SMS messages to see if they have been successfully delivered. If the messages have not been delivered, you may receive an error message or a notification indicating that the delivery has failed.
  2. Contact customer support: If you are unable to resolve the issue on your own, contact the Easysendsms.com customer support team. You can usually contact our team through Live Chat, Email, Support Ticket, WhatsApp Chat.
  3. Provide details of the issue: When you contact customer support, be sure to provide as much detail as possible about the issue you are experiencing. This will help the support team better understand the problem and provide a more effective solution.
  4. Follow up if necessary: If the issue is not resolved in a timely manner, follow up with the support team to ensure that the issue is being addressed and to keep track of the progress of the resolution.


Yes, easysendsms.com offers a free trial for new users, allowing you to try the platform and experience its features and benefits before committing to a paid plan.

There are no any fees at all, you only pay for the SMS package you have choosed.

We accept PayPal, Visa & master cards, and more than 8 Cryptocurrencies like, BTC, USDT, ETH and more.

Paying for undelivered SMS messages is a common practice in the SMS industry. When you send an SMS message, the SMS provider typically charges you for the delivery of the message to the recipient's mobile phone, regardless of whether the message was successfully delivered or not.
This is because the SMS provider incurs costs for sending the message to the recipient's network, even if the message was not successfully delivered.
These costs may include fees charged by the mobile network operator for transmitting the message, as well as any infrastructure and support costs associated with the SMS service.


The support offered by easysendsms.com would depend on the specific needs and requirements of its customers.
Typically, SMS providers like easysendsms.com offer a range of support options, including:

  • Online Help Center: An online resource center with frequently asked questions, tutorials, and guides to help you get started with the service and answer common questions.
  • Customer Support: A customer support team that can be reached via email, phone, or live chat to provide assistance with any questions or issues you may have.
  • Technical Support: A technical support team that can provide assistance with any technical issues or questions you may have about the service.
  • Billing Support: A billing support team that can assist with any questions or issues related to billing and payment for the service.

A webhook, also known as a callback, is a mechanism used to send a message from one application to another over the internet. It is a way for one application to notify another application when a specific event has occurred.

In the context of SMS messaging, a webhook or callback can be used to receive information about the delivery status of a message or to receive incoming SMS messages. When a message is sent via an SMS gateway, the gateway can use a webhook to notify the originating application of the delivery status of the message. Similarly, when an incoming SMS message is received, the SMS gateway can use a webhook to notify the receiving application of the new message.

Webhooks are typically implemented as HTTP requests, with the event information being sent in the request body as a JSON payload. The receiving application can then process the information and take any necessary actions.

An SMS API is a software interface that allows developers to programmatically send and receive SMS messages. An SMS API enables developers to build SMS functionality into their own applications, allowing them to send and receive SMS messages directly from their own systems.

An SMS API typically provides a set of programming instructions, or endpoints, that developers can use to send and receive SMS messages. These endpoints can be used to send messages, receive incoming messages, query the delivery status of messages, manage contacts, and perform other tasks related to SMS messaging.

An SMS API is usually provided by an SMS gateway, which acts as an intermediary between the application and the mobile network. The SMS gateway is responsible for delivering the messages to the mobile network and receiving incoming messages, while the application communicates with the SMS gateway using the SMS API.

Testing SMS delivery is an important step in ensuring that your SMS messages are being delivered successfully and effectively. There are a few steps you can take to test SMS delivery:

  1. Send test messages: You can send test messages to your own phone number or to a test number to verify that your messages are being delivered. You can also use a test number provided by easysendsms.com or another service to test the delivery of your messages.
  2. Check delivery reports: We provide delivery reports that you can use to verify that your messages are being delivered. The delivery reports can also provide information about any issues or failures that may occur during the delivery process.
  3. Monitor delivery time: You can monitor the time it takes for your messages to be delivered to ensure that they are being delivered in a timely manner. If your messages are taking longer to deliver than expected, this may indicate a problem with the delivery process.
  4. Test with different message types: If you plan to send different types of messages, such as long messages or messages with special characters, it is a good idea to test these message types to verify that they are being delivered correctly.

It is important to regularly test your SMS delivery to ensure that your messages are being delivered effectively. If you encounter any issues with the delivery of your messages, you can contact the customer support team for assistance. They can provide you with guidance and support to help you resolve any delivery issues and ensure that your messages are being delivered successfully.

The number of characters you can send per SMS message varies depending on the specific encoding used by the mobile carrier. Typically, one SMS message can contain up to 160 characters using the standard GSM 7-bit encoding. However, if you use Unicode encoding, which supports a wider range of characters, you may be able to fit only 70 characters in one message.

Here are some common types of SMS messages that are supported:

  1. Text messages: A simple text message that contains plain text characters.
  2. Unicode messages: An SMS message that contains data encoded in a UTF16B format. This type of message is commonly used for none english langs,.

Invalid and inactive phone numbers can cause issues with delivering SMS messages. Here are some common reasons for having invalid or inactive phone numbers:

  1. Incorrect number: The phone number may have been entered incorrectly, which would cause the message to not be delivered.
  2. Disconnected or cancelled numbers: The recipient may have cancelled their phone service or the number may have been disconnected, causing the message to not be delivered.
  3. Non-existent numbers: The phone number may not exist, which would cause the message to not be delivered.
  4. Changed numbers: The recipient may have changed their phone number, causing the message to not be delivered to the correct recipient.

To avoid issues with invalid or inactive phone numbers, it's important to ensure that you have up-to-date and accurate information for the recipients of your SMS messages.
If you encounter issues with invalid or inactive phone numbers, it's best to remove them from your list of recipients and update your information by using our HLR service to ensure that future SMS messages are delivered to the correct recipients.

HLR (Home Location Register) Lookup is a tool used for verifying the validity and status of a mobile phone number. HLR Lookup works by checking the mobile network database that stores information about each mobile phone number, including its status, network, and the type of service it can support. Here's how you can use HLR Lookup for number verification:

  1. Integrate the HLR Lookup API: We provide you with an API that you can integrate into your system or application. The API will allow you to perform HLR Lookup requests and receive the results.
  2. Perform the HLR Lookup: The HLR Lookup system will then perform a check on each phone number in your list and return the results, which will include information about the validity and status of each number.
  3. Use the results for number verification: Use the results from the HLR Lookup to verify the validity and status of your phone numbers. This information can be used to ensure that you are sending SMS messages to valid and active phone numbers.

Note: HLR Lookup can also provide information about the type of service a phone number can support, such as SMS, MMS, and data services, which can be useful for determining the best method for reaching your target audience.

SMS Messages

Yes, easysendsms.com offers tracking and reporting features that allow you to view the delivery and response rates of your SMS messages. You can see statistics such as the number of messages sent, delivered, and read, as well as the response rate of your recipients.

Sure you can, Whether your SMS is in GSM or Unicode format, an SMS counter helps you find out the exact number of characters and parts in your text message. This tool is essential for planning your messages to ensure they stay within the stipulated character limits. Check our SMS counter tool

Yes, you can import your contact information into easysendsms.com by uploading a CSV file containing your contact information. This can save time and make it easier to manage your contacts.

The reach of the SMS service offered by easysendsms.com would depend on the specific network coverage and availability of the service in different countries.
Easysendsms.com may offer coverage for a wide range of countries and networks, we cover almost 200 countries and more then 1100 networks.

There is no limitations on the number of SMS messages that you can send per day with easysendsms.com.

Yes, we do. up to 10 SMS parts.
Long SMS messages, also known as concatenated or multipart SMS messages, are SMS messages that are longer than the standard 160 characters for English messages and 70 characters for unicode and other lang, and are divided into multiple parts to be sent and reassembled on the recipient's device.

At EasySendsms.com we have two-way communication, by using shared virtual number with a keyword or a dedicated virtual number.

If your SMS messages are not being delivered, there could be several reasons for this. Here are some common reasons why SMS messages may not be delivered:

  1. Network issues: If the recipient's phone is out of range or if there is a network outage, the SMS message may not be delivered.
  2. Incorrect phone number: If the recipient's phone number is incorrect or if it's entered into the message with the wrong format, the message may not be delivered.
  3. Full inbox: If the recipient's inbox is full, new SMS messages may not be delivered until some of the existing messages are deleted.
  4. Carrier restrictions: Some carriers may have restrictions on the number of SMS messages that can be sent or received in a certain time period.
  5. Blocked numbers: The recipient may have blocked the sender's number, causing the SMS messages to not be delivered.
  6. Technical issues: There could be a technical issue with the sender's phone or with the messaging platform that is causing the messages to not be delivered.
  7. You are sending not allowed SMS content or your content not legal.
  8. You not be using a sender name that is not authorized or it might be that the sender name is too common. Avoid sending SMS messages with sender names are 'info', 'notify', 'verify' etc as this can easily be blocked by the mobile operators.
  9. Your content inculde an URL which has been flagged as spam or untrsuted URL.

If your SMS messages are being delivered with a delay, there could be several reasons for this. Here are some common reasons why SMS messages may be delivered with a delay:

  1. Network congestion: If there is a high volume of traffic on the network, it may cause delays in delivering SMS messages.
  2. Carrier issues: Some carriers may have technical issues that cause delays in delivering SMS messages.
  3. Slow processing: The bulk messaging for huge qunatity may be processing SMS messages slowly, which can cause delays in delivery.
  4. Distance: If the recipient is located far away from the sender, it may take longer for the SMS message to be delivered.
  5. Busy network: If there is a lot of activity on the network, it may cause delays in delivering SMS messages.
  6. Technical issues: There could be a technical issue with the sender's phone or with the messaging platform that is causing the delay in delivering the messages.

It's important to note that delays in SMS delivery can be temporary and may resolve on their own. If you continue to experience delays in the delivery of your SMS messages, it's a good idea to contact our support team for further assistance.

EasySendSMS.com offers two ways to send bulk SMS messages - through the platform and via our SMS API. Here's a step-by-step guide on how to send bulk SMS messages using each method:

Using the EasySendSMS.com platform:
  1. Log in to your account: The first step is to log in to your account on the EasySendSMS.com platform.
  2. Upload your contact list: Once you are logged in, you can upload your contact list. This can be done by either uploading a CSV, XLS, or TXT file with your contact list or manually adding your contacts one by one.
  3. Compose your message: After uploading your contact list, you can compose your message. You can include up to 160 characters in a single SMS message.
  4. Confirm and send: Once you have scheduled your message, you will have a chance to review it and make any necessary changes before sending it. Once you are satisfied with your message, simply click the "send" button to send your bulk SMS message.
Using the EasySendSMS.com SMS API:
  1. Integrate the SMS API: The first step is to integrate the EasySendSMS.com SMS API into your application. You can find detailed instructions on how to do this on our website.
  2. Authenticate your API request: Once you have integrated the SMS API, you will need to authenticate your API request using your API Username & Password.
  3. Set up your message parameters: You will then need to set up your message parameters, including the recipient phone numbers and the message content.
  4. Send your message: Once you have set up your message parameters, you can send your bulk SMS message by making an API request to EasySendSMS.com.

By using the EasySendSMS.com platform or SMS API, you can easily send bulk SMS messages to thousands of recipients at once, making it an ideal solution for businesses of all sizes. Whether you choose to use the platform or the API, EasySendSMS.com makes it easy to send bulk SMS messages that can improve customer engagement and drive business results.

What we offer at EasySendSMS ?

We offer all the above SMS Routes methods,
allowing businesses to choose the route that best fits their specific needs.